3 Years Hits

2023-07-06 15:31

VA - 3 Years Hits / D9SA036 / Droid9 South America

#artisttrack titledurationsize, mb
1Gaspar Aguilera & Manu PavezSmooth on the Ship08:0018
2Federico Bell ft VibeI Want You07:5218
3Javier LaporteHacia El Abismo08:3119
4Serge CanterosSunny Days07:4818
5Bootes Gray ft SegtarSmth Else03:459
6RiosentiOrigen (Fermin Gutierrez Remix)07:1116
7Lucas ZarateWarm Noon08:2719
8Colou Befu & Laurita Gee ft Sasa FontanaCapsule07:2117
9KAZKOAround the World07:4218
10Marto RamirezBreath, Attention!07:3918
11SALAZAR (COL)Calabi Yau08:0018
12Bootes Gray & TeiaoDo It05:2112
13Gero PellizzonHell on Earth (Atlas 221 Remix)07:3217
15Antigona ElePronoia08:4620
16Federico BellFollow Your Dream06:5916
17TeiaoBeginning (Fat&Gordo Remix)07:4518
18Marto RamirezDancing Clouds09:0221
20Fermin GutierrezPantera Negra08:3019
21Gero PellizzonController07:3817
22Hayk FohnThe End of the Way06:4816
23Aliens Like MeSunlight08:0919
24Bootes GrayEmpatia05:0212
A L O N E                O U R S E L V E S

                           F O R  

                 [: ARTIST..... :] VA
                 [: TITLE...... :] 3 Years Hits
                 [: GENRE...... :] House
                 [: RIP DATE... :] 2023-07-06
                 [: LABEL...... :] Droid9 South America
                 [: CAT NR..... :] D9SA036
                 [: TRACKS..... :] 24
                 [: SIZE....... :] 413m
                 [: QUALITY.... :] 320kbps 44.1kHz
                 [: CODEC...... :] MP3 (MPEG-2 Audio Layer III)
                 [: ENCODER.... :] LAME
                 [: URL........ :] https://www.deezer.com/album/456533215

                          [ ::..    Tracklist    ..:: ]

             01. Gaspar Aguilera & Manu Pavez - Smooth on the Ship  08:00      
             02. Federico Bell ft Vibe - I Want You ........... 07:52      
             03. Javier Laporte - Hacia El Abismo ............. 08:31      
             04. Serge Canteros - Sunny Days .................. 07:48      
             05. Bootes Gray ft Segtar - Smth Else ............ 03:46      
             06. Riosenti - Origen (Fermin Gutierrez Remix) ... 07:12      
             07. Lucas Zarate - Warm Noon ..................... 08:27      
             08. Colou Befu & Laurita Gee ft Sasa Fontana - Capsule  07:22      
             09. KAZKO - Around the World ..................... 07:42      
             10. Marto Ramirez - Breath, Attention! ........... 07:39      
             11. SALAZAR (COL) - Calabi Yau ................... 08:00      
             12. Bootes Gray & Teiao - Do It .................. 05:21      
             13. Gero Pellizzon - Hell on Earth (Atlas 221 Remix)  07:32      
             14. Facucio - Mila ............................... 08:59      
             15. Antigona Ele - Pronoia ....................... 08:46      
             16. Federico Bell - Follow Your Dream ............ 06:59      
             17. Teiao - Beginning (Fat&Gordo Remix) .......... 07:45      
             18. Marto Ramirez - Dancing Clouds ............... 09:02      
             19. Servando - Abduction ......................... 07:24      
             20. Fermin Gutierrez - Pantera Negra ............. 08:30      
             21. Gero Pellizzon - Controller .................. 07:38      
             22. Hayk Fohn - The End of the Way ............... 06:49      
             23. Aliens Like Me - Sunlight .................... 08:09      
             24. Bootes Gray - Empatia ........................ 05:02      

                          [ ::.. RELEASE  NOTES ..:: ]

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