Beatport June Best New Hype - Melodic House & Techno

2024-06-16 03:33

VA - Beatport June Best New Hype - Melodic House & Techno / Beatport

#artisttrack titledurationsize, mb
1nowaGimme Hug (Original Mix)05:5714
2AbukJambo Dub06:2715
3RejIsland Hopper (Original Mix)05:0512
4Xinobi & GPU Panic500mg (Extended Mix)07:5818
5Re.You & Paul Brenning & RYPBTouched You07:1517
6Karpovich & INNER.ofcCarpe Diem06:4215
7Kostas MaskalidesNebuchadnezzar07:5118
8Ary SyaYes I Do (Extended Mix)06:4115
9Amber Long & Sergio VilasSeparation (Circulation's Recirculated Dub Mix)09:3122
10Esoteric CircleReve06:1214
11TPSYFinal Call06:5616
12RIKO & GUGGARitual06:0614
13Matan CaspiBreathe07:1717
14Christian FischerRestless (Edit)03:449
15Tom ZetaTreetop Empire (Extended Version)06:4816
16Terra MelodicaDiscordia (Original Mix)06:2915
17SibFind the Way06:3315
18Alfonso MuchachoDon't Forget Me (Extended Mix)06:4616
19YangvarLong Way05:4913
20Alessio CristianoVoid06:4415
21ReiymRed Lights06:3715
22Lefty DCurioso (Extended Mix)05:4313
24Hector ToledoRasha (Extended Mix)07:1016
VA - Beatport June Best New Hype - Melodic House & Techno

Artist      : VA
Album       : Beatport June Best New Hype - Melodic House & Techno
Year        : 2024
Genre       : Techno, Melodic House
Source      : WEB
Tracks      : 24
Playtime    : 157:46 min
Size        : 364.96 MB
Quality     : CBR 320 kbps / 44100 Hz / Stereo
URL         :


01. nowa - Gimme Hug (Original Mix)                           [05:57]
02. Abuk - Jambo Dub                                          [06:27]
03. Rej - Island Hopper (Original Mix)                        [05:05]
04. Xinobi & GPU Panic - 500mg (Extended Mix)                 [07:58]
05. Re.You & Paul Brenning & RYPB - Touched You               [07:15]
06. Karpovich & INNER.ofc - Carpe Diem                        [06:42]
07. Kostas Maskalides - Nebuchadnezzar                        [07:51]
08. Ary Sya - Yes I Do (Extended Mix)                         [06:41]
09. Amber Long & Sergio Vilas - Separation (Circulation's
    Recirculated Dub Mix)                                     [09:31]
10. Esoteric Circle - Reve                                    [06:12]
11. TPSY - Final Call                                         [06:56]
12. RIKO & GUGGA - Ritual                                     [06:06]
13. Matan Caspi - Breathe                                     [07:17]
14. Christian Fischer - Restless (Edit)                       [03:44]
15. Tom Zeta - Treetop Empire (Extended Version)              [06:48]
16. Terra Melodica - Discordia (Original Mix)                 [06:29]
17. Sib - Find the Way                                        [06:33]
18. Alfonso Muchacho - Don't Forget Me (Extended Mix)         [06:46]
19. Yangvar - Long Way                                        [05:49]
20. Alessio Cristiano - Void                                  [06:44]
21. Reiym - Red Lights                                        [06:37]
22. Lefty D - Curioso (Extended Mix)                          [05:43]
23. Nuran - Tension                                           [05:25]
24. Hector Toledo - Rasha (Extended Mix)                      [07:10]

                                                             157:46 min
                                                             364.96 MB