Nothing But... Tech House Selections, Vol. 28

2024-07-12 11:14

VA - Nothing But... Tech House Selections, Vol. 28 / NBTHS28 / Nothing But

#artisttrack titledurationsize, mb
1ParkinsonickDancing With A Tamb (Original Mix)03:509
2SomaticaLost Conciousness (Original Mix)06:2815
3Frequency FusionRemember Me (Radio Edit)02:406
4Danny MarxFeel It (Original Extended Mix)05:4613
5Jan.droCeleste (P H Remix)06:4215
6Jous RickRemember It (Original Mix)06:0414
7RenocoNite Of Your Life (Edit)02:406
8Gustavo KobePretty Dubs (Original Mix)06:2815
9Sergio CaubalFunk You (Original Mix)07:0516
10Leo-MTake A Change (Original Mix)06:3615
11Tito DJTake Me Back (Original Mix)07:0116
12Calvin + KleinWithout (Original Mix)03:017
13Dan TGet On The Floor (Original Mix)06:5816
14verticalparkIn The Moment (Original Mix)04:1710
15Sqwad, Aazar ft. ScrufizzerMad Move (Original Mix)03:157
16Sub EraBassline Wonder (Original Mix)03:338
17Smith & Sorren & GSEPPKiss (Original Mix)02:496
18Stanny Abram & DJ EFX4D Underground (Original Mix)02:537
19Spacefunk DubInnyo (Original Mix)02:326
20QuercusMambo Italiano (Original Mix)06:1514
21StereoimageryGet It Now (Original Mix)04:1410
22Marc MolinaSlap And Go Back (Original Mix)07:0716
23SUNANA & BasaxSax Machine (Bassball & Alf LaFrench Remix) (Bassball, Alf LaFrench Remix)05:4813
24G.ZAHARIEVIn The Dark (Original Mix)04:3711
25Mike ZoranSo Nice (Original Mix)06:2115
Proudly Present

      Release Info    

        Artist: Various Artists
        Title: Nothing But... Tech House Selections, Vol. 28
        Release Date: 12.07.2024                    Street Year: 2024
        Quality: 320kbps / 44,1 / Joint Stereo      Tracks: 25
        Source: (FLAC) WEB                          Genre: House
        Release Size: 292,69 MB                     Language: English
        Ripper Soft: EAC                            Encoding Soft: LAME
        Label: Nothing But                 NBTHS28


       Track:                 Track titles:                Lenght:       

           01. Parkinsonick - Dancing With A Tamb            03:57
               (Original Mix)
           02. Somatica - Lost Conciousness (Original Mix)   06:34
           03. Frequency Fusion - Remember Me (Radio Edit)   02:46
           04. Danny Marx - Feel It (Original Extended Mix)  05:53
           05. Jan.dro - Celeste (P H Remix)                 06:48
           06. Jous Rick - Remember It (Original Mix)        06:10
           07. Renoco - Nite Of Your Life (Edit)             02:46
           08. Gustavo Kobe - Pretty Dubs (Original Mix)     06:35
           09. Sergio Caubal - Funk You (Original Mix)       07:11
           10. Leo-M - Take A Change (Original Mix)          06:42
           11. Tito DJ - Take Me Back (Original Mix)         07:07
           12. Calvin + Klein - Without (Original Mix)       03:07
           13. Dan T - Get On The Floor (Original Mix)       07:04
           14. verticalpark - In The Moment (Original Mix)   04:24
           15. Sqwad, Aazar ft. Scrufizzer - Mad Move        03:22
               (Original Mix)
           16. Sub Era - Bassline Wonder (Original Mix)      03:39
           17. Smith & Sorren & GSEPP - Kiss (Original Mix)  02:56
           18. Stanny Abram & DJ EFX - 4D Underground        02:59
               (Original Mix)
           19. Spacefunk Dub - Innyo (Original Mix)          02:39
           20. Quercus - Mambo Italiano (Original Mix)       06:21
           21. Stereoimagery - Get It Now (Original Mix)     04:21
           22. Marc Molina - Slap And Go Back (Original Mix) 07:13
           23. SUNANA & Basax - Sax Machine                  05:54
               (Bassball & Alf LaFrench Remix) (Bassball, Alf
           24. G.ZAHARIEV - In The Dark (Original Mix)       04:44
           25. Mike Zoran - So Nice (Original Mix)           06:27

     About Release    

       Tech House Selections presents tracks and remixes from
       Parkinsonick, Somatica, Danny Marx, P H, Jous Rick, Renoco,
       Gustavo Kobe, Sergio Caubal, Leo-M, Tito DJ, Calvin + Klein,
       DAN T, SQWAD & Aazar & Scrufizzer, Spacefunk Dub, Quercus,
       Stereoimagery, Marc Molina, Bassball, Alf LaFrench,
       G.Zahariev, Mike Zoran, Frequency Fusion, Jan.dro,
       verticalpark, Sub Era, Smith & Sorren, GSEPP, Stanny Abram,
       DJ EFX, SUNANA, Basax.


             You know where to find the Crazy Old Scenesters.           

                        E-Mail: none
                           IRC: none

                        We are currently looking for:

                   * 100mbit+ affil sites (linux/unix ONLY!)
                   * Promo/Vinyl/CD/WEB Suppliers
                   * Legit Shell Suppliers


         Keep our releases away from p2p and other lame shit.            
           We don't never support them. So fuck off!


                                  maybe you? :)

      If you like this product, BUY IT! Artists deserve your support.  

            NFO by: Eboy^SAC       
                          Updated On 04-24-2020 By COS