Pina Colada Records Summer Party 2024

2024-07-17 21:12

VA - Pina Colada Records Summer Party 2024 / PCRSP2024 / Pina Colada

#artisttrack titledurationsize, mb
2DJ PopinjayJazz Spiced Disco05:0212
3ScruscruSomething Good05:2112
4Ken@WorkOld School Madness06:1815
5Demarkus LewisSun In The Fun05:3213
6Nick Hussey x Jamie van Goulden x Steve EdwardsMomentum of Love (Extended Mix)06:0414
7Peter BrownGot A Feelin' (Extended Mix)04:3811
8Raffaele CiavolinoFunk In The Junk05:1112
10Chocolate DiceCan't Hold Me Back07:0316
11Sammy DeuceBurning Desire06:1514
12HivaOne Day They Love You05:1112
13BonettiMuita Alegria05:3113
14Rick MarshallLatin Lover07:4818
15GooDiscoOne More Time05:4513
16Save The RobotsTake It Higher05:2312
17Harvey RossReal Love05:4413
18TrimtoneNo Stoppin'05:1512
19MelodymannSent To Heaven05:2713
20Daisuke MiyamotoThe Joint05:1412
21Joey ChicagoCrank05:4513
22Paco CanizaThe Way You Treat Me05:2913
23B3RAOEl Calor06:0714
24Henry NavarroThis Love Is Forever06:0614
25Tokyo CartelGinsu05:3013
26Corrado AlunniCelebration05:2412
27Din JayCandidate For Love06:2815
28Peter Brown x HP VinceIt's Friday Night (Jackin Mix)05:5614
30ChemarsWarm Summer Day05:4213
- d e e p h o u s e -


     artist   : Various Artists
     title    . Pina Colada Records Summer Party 2024
     year     . 2024
     genre    : House
     subgenre : deep/disco/funky/soulful house
     label    : Pina Colada
     cat      . PCRSP2024
     URL      :
     ShopURL  :
     encoder  . LAME
     quality  : 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
     source   . WEB

     01. Hotmood - Delightful                                        5:22
     02. DJ Popinjay - Jazz Spiced Disco                             5:02
     03. Scruscru - Something Good                                   5:21
     04. Ken@Work - Old School Madness                               6:17
     05. Demarkus Lewis - Sun In The Fun                             5:32
     06. Nick Hussey x Jamie van Goulden x Steve Edwards - Momentum  6:04
     07. Peter Brown - Got A Feelin' (Extended Mix)                  4:38
     08. Raffaele Ciavolino - Funk In The Junk                       5:11
     09. D.P.V. - Satisfy                                            5:51
     10. Chocolate Dice - Can't Hold Me Back                         7:03
     11. Sammy Deuce - Burning Desire                                6:15
     12. Hiva - One Day They Love You                                5:11
     13. Bonetti - Muita Alegria                                     5:31
     14. Rick Marshall - Latin Lover                                 7:48
     15. GooDisco - One More Time                                    5:45
     16. Save The Robots - Take It Higher                            5:22
     17. Harvey Ross - Real Love                                     5:44
     18. Trimtone - No Stoppin'                                      5:14
     19. Melodymann - Sent To Heaven                                 5:27
     20. Daisuke Miyamoto - The Joint                                5:14
     21. Joey Chicago - Crank                                        5:45
     22. Paco Caniza - The Way You Treat Me                          5:29
     23. B3RAO - El Calor                                            6:07
     24. Henry Navarro - This Love Is Forever                        6:05
     25. Tokyo Cartel - Ginsu                                        5:30
     26. Corrado Alunni - Celebration                                5:23
     27. Din Jay - Candidate For Love                                6:28
     28. Peter Brown x HP Vince - It's Friday Night (Jackin Mix)     5:56
     29. Discoloverz - Fantasy                                       6:13
     30. Chemars - Warm Summer Day                                   5:42

   02:52:30 min  398.58 mb


        If the more sultry and sophisticated end of the disco-house and        
      contemporary disco spectrum is where you're at musically then you'll     
      want to check for this new Pina Colada label comp ASAP - it's packed     
     full of nuggets that you're gonna love! Refreshingly free of Palovian     
     drum rolls, OTT filter freakouts and played-out samples, the 30 tracks    
         here instead lean heavily on jazz and soul influences - indeed        
      tending, in places, towards the ballad-y, 'Too Slow To Disco'-esque      
      side of the street. There aren't too many big names in evidence and      
      there's no room here to go into every track, so you'll just have to      
       take our word for it: this collection really is the absolute bomb.      

                          ---   --- --                         

                              a deephouse release                              

                   enjoy & remember to support artists.


        shoutouts to the groups that love the music they promote..


     If you're down with the deep house music, music with feeling..
     music that makes you groove no matter where you are.. and you
     think you can add to this feeling.. then drop us a line
     keep the feeling real. . d e e p h o u s e  2 0 2 4 .