Hidden Treasures 03 Pt 1

2024-10-28 21:26

VA - Hidden Treasures 03 Pt 1 / AHDHT03P1 / AH Digital

#artisttrack titledurationsize, mb
1Alan CerraPollux (Hobin Rude Remix)07:0216
2Diego Acosta (UY)Destino (Tomas Garcia Remix)08:2419
3Marc DenuitPlanisphere 512 (Cedren & Manu-L Remix)07:2717
4MindlancholicLost in a Dream (Arbey Gonzalez Remix)07:5518
5Michael AReason (Yonsh Remix)07:5618
6Influence (IN)Magic Land (Emi CA Remix)07:4818
7Mariano GiacintiSentinel07:1517
8Leonel CuraMoments (Lucas Pietra Remix)07:3617
9Brian De SantisAgama (Dizz Martin Remix)08:5320
10MarchesanGod's Plan07:2417
11VegaZ SLThe Lights07:2817
12Fran GarayGeneva (Thomas Ferell Remix)08:0418
13RIVVO & Matt OliverThe Fields of Dreams09:1121
14KayindaThe Legend08:0318
15Facundo NavarroMelodies of Traveler (Influence IN Remix)09:0521
19Melodiam (AR)Cosmic06:3515
20BerduCiclon (Vitaly Shturm Broken Beats Remix)07:2717
21Javier RomanIris (Zy Khan Remix)07:2517
22Not Dead YetGale Warning07:5218
23Lucas PerdomoEclipse (Gonza Sclarovsky Remix)06:3315
25Influence (IN) & Berlin ManSkylark (Fonta Remix)09:0021
27Jhordan Welsch & MindlancholicThe Sound of Sadness (Emi CA & Joaco Salerno Remix)07:2017
28Federico FloresOuter Space07:1317
29Noise GenerationAwakening08:3520
30Luciano ElviraPrudeel06:3515
A L O N E                O U R S E L V E S

                           F O R  

                 [: ARTIST..... :] VA
                 [: TITLE...... :] Hidden Treasures 03 Pt 1
                 [: GENRE...... :] House
                 [: RIP DATE... :] 2024-10-28
                 [: LABEL...... :] AH Digital
                 [: CAT NR..... :] AHDHT03P1
                 [: TRACKS..... :] 30
                 [: SIZE....... :] 529m
                 [: QUALITY.... :] 320kbps 44.1kHz
                 [: CODEC...... :] MP3 (MPEG-2 Audio Layer III)
                 [: ENCODER.... :] LAME
                 [: URL........ :] https://www.deezer.com/album/642371601

                          [ ::..    Tracklist    ..:: ]

             01. Alan Cerra - Pollux (Hobin Rude Remix) ....... 07:03      
             02. Diego Acosta (UY) - Destino (Tomas Garcia Remix)  08:24      
             03. Marc Denuit - Planisphere 512 (Cedren & Manu-L Remix)  07:27      
             04. Mindlancholic - Lost in a Dream (Arbey Gonzalez Remix)  07:55      
             05. Michael A - Reason (Yonsh Remix) ............. 07:56      
             06. Influence (IN) - Magic Land (Emi CA Remix) ... 07:48      
             07. Mariano Giacinti - Sentinel .................. 07:15      
             08. Leonel Cura - Moments (Lucas Pietra Remix) ... 07:36      
             09. Brian De Santis - Agama (Dizz Martin Remix) .. 08:53      
             10. Marchesan - God's Plan ....................... 07:24      
             11. VegaZ SL - The Lights ........................ 07:28      
             12. Fran Garay - Geneva (Thomas Ferell Remix) .... 08:04      
             13. RIVVO & Matt Oliver - The Fields of Dreams ... 09:11      
             14. Kayinda - The Legend ......................... 08:03      
             15. Facundo Navarro - Melodies of Traveler (Influence IN Remix)  09:06      
             16. Oxyzone - Greenlights ........................ 07:53      
             17. Venao - Promission ........................... 07:44      
             18. APNITUS - Luminous ........................... 05:59      
             19. Melodiam (AR) - Cosmic ....................... 06:35      
             20. Berdu - Ciclon (Vitaly Shturm Broken Beats Remix)  07:27      
             21. Javier Roman - Iris (Zy Khan Remix) .......... 07:25      
             22. Not Dead Yet - Gale Warning .................. 07:52      
             23. Lucas Perdomo - Eclipse (Gonza Sclarovsky Remix)  06:33      
             24. Neuralis - Flush ............................. 07:30      
             25. Influence (IN) & Berlin Man - Skylark (Fonta Remix)  09:00      
             26. COQUEIT - Elevator ........................... 07:25      
             27. Jhordan Welsch & Mindlancholic - The Sound of Sadness (Emi CA & Joaco Salerno R 07:20      
             28. Federico Flores - Outer Space ................ 07:13      
             29. Noise Generation - Awakening ................. 08:35      
             30. Luciano Elvira - Prudeel ..................... 06:35      

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